Book of the Month

by Jennifer Probst

She’s desperate for another bestseller… and she’ll go to any length to get it. Even if it means sacrificing her pride to chase the hottest bachelor in town and get him to break her heart…

Once the literary world’s golden girl, Aspen Lourde can’t seem to produce another successful book, and the pressure’s on to prove she’s not just a one-hit-wonder. But there’s a catch: her bestseller was a heartbreak hit, straight from her own love life disaster. Without any fresh romantic turmoil to fuel her pen, Aspen needs inspiration quick enough to create a book her agent can sell to her publisher. So she escapes for the summer to the Outer Banks with a plan to live a story worth writing.

Brick Babel is a romance novelist’s dream: a local heartthrob with a reputation as wild as the horses running free in the town. He’s everything Aspen needs for a muse kickstart—gorgeous, moody, and notoriously unattainable. His affairs are legendary in the small town, and every woman warns her off, including her sister.

Too bad a good heartbreak is exactly what she needs to meet her deadline.

But Brick refuses to play the game, rejecting all of her advances. When Aspen hears his tour company is on the verge of bankruptcy, she offers him a deal: fake a whirlwind summer romance, then ditch her, drama guaranteed.

Desperate to save his grandfather’s business, Brick agrees to the ridiculous deal. What starts as a contractual fling spirals out of control as lines blur and real feelings emerge. Brick’s falling hard, and Aspen’s rethinking her plot twist. The novel might be her ticket back to the top, but at what cost?

Because Aspen’s finally found her muse, but some stories may be too true to share.

Book of the Month isn’t just about finding love where you least expect it.

It’s about finding yourself in the pages of life’s unexpected chapters.

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An Exclusive Interview with Jennifer Probst

Was it hard to figure out what we looked like?

No, but you were easier Brick. After all, you’re sex-on-a-stick so I just had to dream up my fantasy hero. Aspen—I wanted you to have more average looks and compare yourself to your sister. It’s a reality women go through and I wanted to bring it to the page.

Was there anything surprised you about our story?

Yes! Umm, most of it? Especially the break-up scene which tore my heart into pieces and made me mad at your, Aspen. Since you both know I only have a rough outline to follow when I write, each scene is a surprise, leading to the next. I’ve learned not to force anything on either of you. Much more fun for me and the reader to let you live big and make your own choices. Oh, and Marco with his crew. I had no idea he’d end up so engaging and a hit with readers!

Did you ever dream about us while you were writing the book?

When I can’t sleep, I think of you as I toss and turn and stare at the ceiling, writing in my head. It would be so much easier if you were in my dreams and not interrupting my sleep!

You don’t have to tell me who, but are either of us based off of someone in your real life?

Definitely! I like to mix a little truth with a lot of fiction. The perfect balance.

Did you ever buy clothes or knick-knacks that either one of us owns so you could connect to us? Or visit any of the places from the book?

Both of you were created when I visited OBX two years ago. I took a tour for the wild horses and fell in love with the town, our guide, and the animals. I knew right then I’d write a book and began to brainstorm the characters in my head. I took a lot of time to research Duck and Corolla for the story and loved every second. I learned a ton about the wild horses and sea turtles and many businesses in the area.

How long before you wrote this story were you thinking about us?

After the trip, I composed a blurb to work off, but it wasn’t the right time. It sat for over a year before I finally knew I HAD to write it -the story was bursting from my brain, lol.

How did you chose our names?

I had the most fun choosing your names! I wanted something extremely unique – which leads to a fun initial dialogue regarding your names.

Whose side would you take in an argument?

Sorry, I can’t choose. Brick, you’re stubborn. Aspen, you’re half in a fictional world which can lead to issues. So, this would literally depend on what type of argument!

And for fun, rapid fire “who would most likely to…” questions:

  • Forget where they hid a Christmas gift? Aspen
  • Suggest dressing up in matching shirts for their Disney World trip? Definitely Aspen!
  • Forget to pick up milk on the way home? Aspen – she’s a writer. She forgets things!
  • Decide on the bedroom paint color? Brick
  • Know all the words to almost every Taylor Swift song? Aspen but Brick secretly loves Taylor and refuses to tell anyone
  • Plan an impromptu weekend getaway? Definitely Brick!
  • Be voted on in their high school yearbook superlatives? Brick – he was always a charmer…


Jennifer Probst is the New York TimesUSA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over fifty books in contemporary romance fiction. Her work has been translated in over a dozen countries, sold over 2 million copies, and was dubbed a “romance phenom” by Kirkus Reviews. Her passions include reading, horse racing, Scrabble, Italian wine and food, shameful reality television, and rescue dogs. Like some of her characters, Probst, along with her husband and two sons, calls New York’s Hudson Valley home.

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